
Topics that I am usually tweeting or retweeting:

  • #IoT: Relevant news and interesting developments in the context of the Internet of Things, this includes both business and technology related issues
  • #HealthIT: New developments within healthcare IT, usually more detailed in one of the areas below
    • #digitalhealth: Very similar to HealthIT, but less “enterprise” grade – more startup
    • #patientengagement: Putting patients in the center either by engaging or empowering them
    • #ehr: Electronig health records – core systems acting as a system of records allowing or enabling innovation
    • #carecoordination: Supporting patients with coordination through their care journey, “lightweight” management of patients
    • #caremanagement: Managing population of patients, e.g. patients with chronic conditions like diabetes
    • #vbr: Value-based reimbursement or shifting from fee for service to fee for value
    • #quantifiedself: Individuals that do want to measure and understand their health
    • #mhealth: Digital health using mobile technologies
  • #Cloud: Everything that happens in the ongoing cloud wars, more tech-focused though

There are of course more topics and hashtags which include topics related to the convergence of technology (e.g. blockchain, ai, and machinelearning) and business (e.g. startups).